Strepsils FAQs

Strepsils is a soothing and medicated lozenge which contains active medical ingredients to tackle sore throat pain deep down. The Strepsils medicated lozenge range provides consumers treatment options for different types of sore throats. Unlike non-medicated lozenges or sweets, Strepsils provides clinically proven relief which lasts for long after the lozenge has gone.

If you prefer a sugar free lozenge, try our Strepsils Sugar-Free Lemon Lozenges. Suitable for adults and children over 6 years old.

All Strepsils lozenges are gluten free.

Sore throats vary from itchy to irritated & painful. Sore throats can also be accompanied with other symptoms such as cough. There is a range of Strepsils lozenges for the different types of sore throats and needs states. View our Strepsils Product range for more information on what lozenge is suitable for your symptoms.

One lozenge to be dissolved slowly in the mouth every 2-3 hours up to a maximum of 12 lozenges in 24 hours. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Strepsils can be purchased from leading drugstores, supermarkets and convenience stores nationwide.

Lozenges are portable, easy to take and can include a pre-measured quantity of the active ingredient. By sucking a lozenge, the salivary glands are stimulated to produce a flow of saliva which acts as a demulcent and further lubricates and soothes a sore throat.

Yes, Strepsils Sugar Free are suitable for use by people with diabetes. However, as with all sugar free products, they may produce a laxative effect. Attention should be paid to the usage instructions.

No adverse events associated with taking Strepsils basic range of products (Amylmetacresol/Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol) have been reported during either pregnancy and lactation. The safety of Strepsils basic range of products in pregnancy and lactation has not been established but is not expected to constitute a hazard during these periods. However, as with all medicines taken during this period, caution should be exercised. It is best to consult with a doctor before using the product, if you are pregnant or lactating.

If you have any additional questions about Strepsils, sore throat and cough, you may reach out to us at https://