Sore throats and inflammations in the throat and neck area are often the first warning signs of a cold or flu and can be very unpleasant and distracting. They may even become worse as the cold progresses. However, there is a range of home remedies for sore throat which you can use to ease the symptoms of your sore throat. These natural remedies to treat a sore throat are widely available and easy to use.

Common Causes of Sore Throat

  • Sore throats are mainly a symptom of colds, tonsillitis or other forms of inflammation in the mouth and pharynx.
  • 8 out of 10 infections are caused by viruses1.
  • More than 100 different viruses can cause a cold2, most of these being transmitted via infected droplets, such as when sneezing, coughing or shaking someone’s hand.
  • There are more than 100 different viruses that can cause a cold3, most of which are transmitted through the air or droplets e.g., when sneezing, coughing or shaking someone’s contaminated hand.
  • Antibiotics are ineffective in these cases, as these can only combat bacterial infection.

Sore Throat Home Remedies You Can Try

There are many home remedies to treat a sore throat. But which ones are the right ones? We used to ask our grandma years ago; these days, Internet forums are the first place we go to for advice. “Ginger tea for a sore throat”, “Throat compress for a sore throat”, “Sage for a sore throat”, or simply: “What home remedies help to ease a sore throat?” are amongst the most frequently asked questions. And it’s true: using home remedies to treat a sore throat can be very effective. Home remedies are easy to use and supplement topical sore throat medication. If you are looking for a solution on how to treat a sore throat quickly using home remedies, you might find something suitable in the following list.

Gargle with salt water

Many people with sore throats gargle with homemade solutions4. Gargling with 250 ml of warm water and half a teaspoonful of salt is perhaps one of the most popular treatments for a sore throat. For centuries, salt has been used as a treatment to moisten and improve the circulation of the mucous membrane, which provides protection from germs and thus may help to ease a sore throat. We would advise gargling every four hours with this salt solution.

A teaspoonful of honey for a sore throat

Because of its antiseptic properties, honey is one of the most well-known treatments and can help to ease inflammation in the throat. The preparation is also very easy to make. Simply dissolve a teaspoonful of honey in a warm (not hot) cup of ginger tea, eucalyptus tea or chamomile tea.

Drink warm drinks (especially teas)

Many people swear by tea for a sore throat. But which tea helps to ease a sore throat? Green tea, for example, contains antioxidants that can help to fight infection. You should also boost your immune system, for example, with a fruit smoothie. Many people also swear by “hot lemon” - but a word of caution: vitamin C is very sensitive to heat. So you need to boil your water and then wait for it to cool until it is lukewarm before you add the lemon juice.

Ginger tea can also help to ease the inflammation associated with a sore throat as it is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Chamomile is also a very popular natural anti-inflammatory found in most homes and can help to ease the symptoms caused by a sore throat. Whether you choose chamomile tea for a sore throat or ginger tea for sore throat: it is always important to drink the infusion when it is warm, not boiling, so that the heat does not further irritate your inflamed throat.

Drink plenty of fluids

If you are dehydrated, your body is not able to keep the mucous membrane moist or produce sufficient saliva, which leads to your throat becoming dry and irritated. As well as drinking teas for a sore throat, drinking water helps to keep your throat moist and ease any pain, as well as loosen the mucus in your throat.

Use air humidifiers

Whether you live in a place where the air humidity is poor or where central heating or air conditioning is making the air excessively dry, using an air humidifier will help you to improve the air humidity, which will have a positive impact on the dryness of your throat.

Get your saliva flowing

Suck on an ice cube, crushed ice or boiled sweets to stimulate the flow of saliva. However, avoid giving small children anything small and hard to suck, as this might pose a risk of choking.

Steam inhalation for a sore throat

An inhalation of steam or hot water with chamomile will help to keep the nose and throat moist. Boil some water and pour it into a bowl, place a towel over your head and lower your head carefully into the bowl to inhale the steam. Breathe deeply for a little while, then take a break and repeat the process.

Have a hot bath

A hot bath can help you to unwind and generally feel better. The steam from the water can also help to ease a sore throat as it will moisten the pharynx. Lie back and inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes if you have a sore throat. Feel free to add pure blends of herbs or essential oils. Whatever ingredients you need - fennel, chamomile, thyme or oils from eucalyptus or ginger - they can all be found in health food stores, chemists and pharmacies. They will do you some good.


This can be a heated wrap, a warm piece of clothing straight out of the tumble dryer or a face flannel or towel immersed in water - heat can ease a sore throat. Heated pillows are particularly effective for relaxing painful areas. Heat boosts circulation and can thus ease your symptoms.

A final word of advice

Even if your sore throat has not completely disappeared after a couple of days, you can continue to use home remedies to treat a sore throat for as long as you need to, even if you are taking other forms of medication. You can use home remedies to treat a severe sore throat or to treat a sore throat where you have difficulty swallowing. Many home remedies are often very effective in helping to treat a sore throat and coughing and other symptoms of a cold. It can also be very effective to use home remedies to treat your child’s sore throat

Strepsils Lozenges: Sore Throat Relief in as Fast as 60 seconds

Say goodbye to sore throat in as fast as 60 seconds with Strepsils!. Strepsils has a wide range of products that is clinically proven to help relieve and treat the symptoms of a sore throat. From the first signs of sore throat, Strepsils provides antiseptic action to fight viruses and bacteria and it provides fast-acting relief to prevent sore throat pain from getting worse. You can try Strepsils Cool Sensation for mild and itchy sore throat.

If your throat is very painful and inflamed, Strepsils Max Pro lozenges can help relieve the pain and the inflammation. Strepsils Max Pro variant is anti-inflammatory, offer pain relief and reduce swelling. It has a long-lasting effect, reducing pain and inflammation for up to 6 hours.


1 Ebell MH, et al. JAMA 2000;284:2912–8